Sept 19th - Zoom - "Minimalizm" presented by Denise Silva
This presentation focuses on learning to how to refine your imagery with a focus on simplicity through the elimination of non-essential components from your composition. By stripping an image down to its bare essentials, minimalistic imagery emphasizes your subject and tells your story. Simplicity can be powerful when executed properly.
Denise’s interest in photography started when her grandmother would share images from her travels to Egypt and Africa for safari. The evenings watching slideshows set the seed. 35-years later those seeds took root and inspired Denise to embrace photography and more specifically travel photography and Road Runner Photography Tours was born.
Denise has been recognized as one of the Top 200 Women Photographers Who Inspire by Nature Photo Guides and has had multiple articles published in Extraordinary Vision (EV) Magazine, and is a featured artist in Breakthrough Photography’s Guide to Night Sky Photography.
Her passion is to share her knowledge of photography, while introducing people to the amazing landscapes, wildlife, and people all over the world.
She has contributed multiple articles to Fujifilm X/GFX USA website and has been interviewed by Peggy Farren, of Understanding Photography, on Overcoming the Challenges of Street Photography (Check the interview out here).
- Awarded in Alternative Digital Processes category, Black & White Magazine, Looking Forward–Looking Backward 2022.
Denise embraces the idea that everyday above ground is a good one, so get out and enjoy! Join her and her team for your next adventure!
Sept 26th - Zoom - "Making Competitive Nature Images" presented by Rick Cloran
In this program Rick will explore the key aspects of a successful competitive nature image and what separates them from an otherwise good nature image. Each of the key aspects is covered in short, easily remembered points. These points are then reinforced with multiple examples using images that have and have not been successful at local, interclub and international exhibition levels.
Bio – Rick Cloran, HonFPSA, GMPSA, HonNEC
Rick is a well-known judge and lecturer having served in those capacities extensively in New England as well as throughout the US and Canada. He has been a member of the Greater Lynn Photographic Association since 1975. For his service to photography both in New England and at a national level he has been awarded the Honor of HonFPSA by the Photographic Society of America (PSA) and HonNEC by the New England Camera Club Council (NECCC). His success in exhibitions has earned him the GMPSA distinction.
All of our meetings will either be:
"Zoom" - This meeting is via Zoom only
"Franklin" - This meeting is in person in Franklin at the Church of the Redeemer and via Zoom.
6th Annual Multi-Club Competition Categories
1. Birds in the Human Environment
2. Clouds
3. Environmental Portrait
4. Night Photography – People and Places
5. Perspective
6. Selective Focus
7. The Thrill of Victory, The Agony of Defeat
8. Trees
Complete definitions are here>>> /d/ff3f0c75-b134-4e39-86dd-2d819bd1e3e9
Each club member may choose to submit digital photographic images in any or all of the eight categories listed above. Members may submit up to 2 images for each category. Categories have been chosen both to ensure members do not need any special skills to compete, and to provide a group of categories that provide a means to express some individualism.
Upcoming Workshops
To be announced...
SBCC members can join the SBCC Meetup group for free. We schedule photo walks and field trips via Meetup. This is the LINK to Meetup. How to schedule a Meetup - click HERE
Rob DeRobertis Restrospective and Chat File
<Click on Images for video or chat
Through Your Eyes Invitation - Highlighting Some of Our Members
Check out more videos HERE
SBCC Reflections is back! In case you aren't familiar with the newsletter, you can check out past issues HERE.
Donna Parker and Tom Amsterburg are now the editors of Reflections and they would like to solicit articles from members for the newsletter, such as travelogues, how-to articles, review of favorite editing software, "how I made this image", and so forth.
They want to hear from YOU, our members, so please reach out to them with your images and article ideas. Below are the links to their email addresses.
Donna’s EMAIL
Need suggestions for places to go out and shoot???
Check out our information on Photo Shoot Locations at /d/b56444bf-9b6e-4ac3-a22d-b3e2f5f766be or Click on the “Resources & Links” tab and then Click on “Photo Shoot Locations”.
SBCC COVID-19 Policy
1. Face masks are optional.
2. SBCC is pleased to offer a hybrid format for those meetings that will be held in-person this season.
Any members not comfortable attending will always have the option of joining remotely via Zoom or a similar streaming format.
- We will keep current with trends and regulations and may change our policy as needed.
Some of the year's events are A proud member of: Join Our Facebook Group Instagram
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© Stony Brook Camera Club - All rights reserve 1969 - 2024. All images on this web site are copyright the maker and may not be copied or used in any manner without the express written consent of the maker.