Bylaws of Stony Brook Camera Club, Inc.


Article I

Name and Purpose

Section 1. Name: The name shall be Stony Brook Camera Club, Inc. (hereafter referred to as SBCC or the Club). SBCC is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization incorporated in the state of Massachusetts. The Club’s fiscal and membership year will run from July 1 to June 30.

Section 2. Purpose: To promote enjoyment and proficiency in all aspects of photography through education, fellowship, exchange of knowledge and experience, and a broad appreciation of nature and our environment.


Article II


Section 1. Membership:

i.  The membership is composed of individuals at least 18 years of age who meet the following conditions:
1.     Apply for membership according to the membership process in place at the time of application;
2.     Pay annual dues of each membership year; and,
3.     Maintain respectful and legal conduct at SBCC activities or as otherwise determined by the Executive Board.

ii.    Annual maximum membership may be set by the Executive Board. When the annual maximum membership is achieved, a waiting list will be held by the treasurer, and as openings allow, membership will be offered to prospective members in the order that the membership requests are received.

iii.   Any member in good standing may attend all meetings, enter any and all competitions, and vote on issues presented to the membership.


Section 2. Dues:

i.    Dues are due and payable July 1. Members with unpaid dues on September 1 will become inactive.

ii.   Dues are set for each category of membership. The categories of membership are:
1.     Individual: Any person between the ages of 18 and 64 inclusive, unless a student.
2.     Family: Two or more members living in the same household.
3.     Student: Full time student with valid student ID.
4.     Senior: Person who reaches age 65 on or before July 1 of the membership year.
5.     Special: As determined by the Executive Board and membership.

iii.     Dues shall be reduced for members joining between January 1 and April 30 by one-third. Members joining between May 1 and June 30 will pay full dues which will apply to the next club year.

iv.   Changes to dues must be approved by the membership at the Annual Spring Business Meeting in June.

v.   Membership is not transferable.


Article III

Officers and Elections


Section 1. Officers:

i.       The Officers, whose duties are described below, are responsible for the day-to-day management of the Club (including managing budgeted expenditures) subject to the bylaws and any policies approved by the Executive Board and Membership.
   a.  President: Preside at all club meetings and Executive Board meetings. Appoint chairpersons of all committees. Serve ex-officio on each committee, except Nominating Committee. Act as Club spokesperson and generally keep in touch with all club activities. Work with Treasurer and committee chairs to develop budget for the coming year. 
   b.  Vice President: Assume the duties of the President in his/her absence. Act on Executive Board and chair the Program Committee.
   c.  Treasurer: Maintain all financial records of the Club and keep custody thereof. Maintain a list of all Club assets. Maintain Club membership list, archive membership list, and membership waiting list. Pay all bills. Report to the membership at the Annual Fall Business Meeting and the Annual Spring Business Meeting. Present proposed budget to membership at the Annual Fall Business Meeting. Act on the Executive Board.
   d. Secretary: Keep and publish records of the minutes of all club and Executive Board meetings. Notify members of special meetings and events. Responsible for correspondence of club business. Act on the Executive Board.

ii.      Qualifications of Officers:
a.     President: Must have been an active member for the three previous years.
b.     Vice President: Must have been an active member for the two previous years.
c.     Treasurer: Must have been an active member for the two previous years.
d.     Secretary: Must have been an active member for the two previous years.

iii.   Officers may be removed for malfeasance or other violation of their duties by a majority vote of the Executive Board and of the Membership.

Section 2. Elections:

i.    Election of the officers shall be held annually on a date in May set by the Officers.

ii.    The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee, by January 31, composed of three members not on the Executive Board. The committee will accept nominations from the membership, ensure nominees meet membership qualifications and are willing to serve if elected.

iii.   The Nominating Committee Chairperson will present the slate and qualifications of each nominee to the membership two weeks prior to the election. Members may nominate other candidates and present their qualifications at this time.

iv.   At the election, which may be held in person or electronically as determined by the officers, members may cast their vote for each office. A paper ballot or electronic substitute, including a write-in option, will be used when more than one candidate is nominated for an office.

v.   The installation of officers shall take place at the Annual Spring Business Meeting.

Section 3. Vacancies: Vacancies in the Club offices shall be filled by Presidential (or Vice Presidential in the case of a Presidential vacancy) appointment. The appointee will serve on an interim basis until approved by the membership at the next business meeting. In the case of vacancy in the office of President it will be standard procedure for the Vice President to assume this office unless that person chooses not to.

Article IV

Executive Board

Section 1. Executive Board:

i.    The Executive Board advises the Officers on financial and policy issues.

ii.    The Executive Board is composed of the elected Officers and the two immediate Past Presidents.

iii.   The Executive Board shall meet prior to the Annual Fall Business Meeting to receive and approve the proposed budget, the year’s program, and other committee reports; and otherwise, shall meet as necessary. The Executive Board may also approve special expenditures of up to $500, with a $1500 annual limit. Any single item over $500 or total expenditure of over $1500 must be approved by the membership.

iv.   Executive Board meetings are open to all club members and require a one-week notice. Any member may request to speak at the Board meeting. Only Executive Board members may move, second, or vote on motions. The Executive Board may go into executive session to discuss personnel/confidential matters.

Article V


Section 1. Committees:

i.    Committees, established by the president to conduct club business, are Standing or Ad Hoc. Standing committees have responsibilities throughout the club year. Ad Hoc committees are established as needed. Chairpersons shall be appointed by the President. The chairperson shall appoint committee members.

ii.    Committee members must be members in good standing before starting work on committees.

iii.   Committee chairpersons shall prepare and present reports to the Executive Board’s meeting prior to the Club’s Annual Fall Business Meeting and as requested by the President.

Article VI


Section 1. Meetings:

i.    General meetings. The Club generally meets on Thursdays, from September to June.  This may be changed or added to by the Officers as needed.

ii.    Business meetings. Business can be discussed at any meeting. A ten-day notice is required for finance and policy business that require approval by membership.

iii.   Annual Fall Business Meeting. Early in the Club year (generally in September) the Club will hold the Annual Fall Business Meeting that will include presentation of the proposed budget by the Officers and acceptance by the membership.

iv.   Annual Spring Business Meeting. The Club’s Annual Spring Business Meeting shall be held in June. In addition to the installation of officers, the outgoing Treasurer will issue a report, and members will vote on any changes to dues and affiliations.

v.   Health and safety. The officers from time-to-time may impose a standard of health compliance equal to or greater than that of the venue with which we are associated.

vi.   Quorum. A quorum of the membership for the purpose of conducting club business shall consist of not less than one-third of the membership.

Article VII

Honors and Awards

Section 1. Honors and Awards:

i.    The club may award a variety of honors and awards. These are:

· Life Member: Honor awarded to a current club member who has made significant contributions to the club over at least a 10-year period. All dues are waived for the life of the member. When given, this honor is limited to one in any year.
· Honorary Member: Honorary membership is a non-voting, non-competing membership awarded to a non-member in recognition of contributions to club programs, growth, and education of club members. This award may be granted at any time during the year. When given, this honor is limited to one in any year.
· John F. Locke III Memorial Award: Award given to the most improved member of Class B, as determined by the Competition Committee. The award consists of a plaque.
·Merit Award: Honor awarded to one or more club members in recognition of their significant contributions, outstanding service, technical support, or otherwise major contribution to club activities. The award consists of a plaque.

ii.    These honors are not mandatory and are not required to be awarded every year. Any club member may submit names of individuals for the honors by forwarding a written statement of qualifications to the officers. The Executive Board while in executive session will determine each candidate’s suitability for honors and propose worthy candidates, based on award criteria, for approval by the membership. The membership will vote on the honors candidates. (Efforts will be made to keep the candidates unaware of their nomination or vote). Honors and awards will be presented at the Annual Spring Business Meeting unless determined otherwise by the Officers.


Article VIII

Non-profit Status, Liability and Dissolution

Section 1. Non-Profit Status: SBCC is a nonprofit corporation, and no funds or assets of SBCC shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to the Directors, officers or other private persons, except that SBCC may pay reasonable compensation for services rendered or issue scholarships, in furtherance of SBCC’s purposes.

Section 2. Liability: The Club will maintain appropriate liability and property insurance for the Club and its Executive Board.

Section 3. Dissolution: Dissolution of SBCC, whether voluntary or involuntary, shall be conducted in accordance with regulations pertaining to corporations with the nonprofit status of SBCC at the time of dissolution. Voluntary dissolution will require approval of the Executive Board and one-half of the members in good standing. The officers of the corporation shall act as administrators of such dissolution.


Article IX

Bylaw Changes

Section 1. Bylaw Changes: Bylaw changes require acceptance by one-third of members in good standing. At least two weeks in advance of the vote, the secretary will notify the membership of the proposed changes in writing and post proposed changes on the SBCC website. Notification shall contain the proposed changes.  When the officers deem in-person voting not to be in the best interests of the Club, an electronic substitute will be used to vote on bylaw changes.



Adopted:  January 22, 1970

Revised: December 1, 1977; January 8, 1981; September 24, 1987; February 7, 2002; May 15, 2003, May 17, 2007; May 20, 2010; May 20, 2021


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